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来源: 法律常识 作者: 法律常识 时间:2022-11-29 03:50:00

Prospects for Chinese lawyers that deal with foreign-related matters

文 《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 雷怡安

国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)


It has been more than 40 years since Chinese enterprises entered the international contracted engineering market, which can be divided into four stages: building up, steady accumulation, rapid development, and transformation and upgrading. With the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has constantly achieved new highs in the scale of international infrastructure projects, among which there are large ones with a contract amount of over 10 billion US dollars. ”


Despite the strides forward in this regard, enterprises are faced with engineering disputes. It hinders their overseas development as well as the exchanges and cooperation between countries. It poses a challenge to Chinese lawyers as they should consider how to safeguard the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises as well as friendly relations with foreign countries, how to solve international disputes in better ways, and how to win more trust and recognition.

国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)


盘点 专业团队的成长

Overview: the growth of a professional team


There are three striking lines on the official website of Duan & Duan: To stay competitive, we constantly sharpen our skills. To uphold social fairness and justice, we employ the rule of law. Irrespective of their social status, all men are equal before the law. Duan & Duan, a high-level law firm that provides legal services in foreign-related matters, has adhered to that principle and been widely acknowledged in the industry across China since its establishment in 1993.


Mr. Gu Chaoping was waiting in Duan & Duan in Chengdu. He became a lawyer in 2003, and is now the director and a partner of Chengdu Office of Duan & Duan, and the vice chairman of Sichuan Lawyers Association. Thoughts rose in Gu Chaoping as a witness to the foreign-related legal business in Sichuan for nearly 2 decades.


About the changes in the business, he told a story from early years.


Only half a year after he started to practice law in 2003, a Siemens-invested company in Sichuan approached the law firm for its disputes over arrears with a Chinese company. Gu Chaoping, who majored in English, stood out among his colleagues weak in the English language and acted for the Germany company. He had several face-to-face chats with its foreign management, and produced a legal service report that incorporates the contract, legal jurisdiction, preservative measures, and judicial proceedings for the first, second and final trials. He then translated the report over 20 pages into English, for which the foreign businessmen learned about the civil action procedures in China and basic facts about the case all at once. Gu Chaoping worked hard for 38 days and nights, and successfully fought the lawsuit. The Chinese company agreed to an out-of-court settlement and paid the debt of nearly 10 million yuan.

国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)



The case, which happened nearly 20 years ago though, is well within the memory of Gu Chaoping. He said that “Before 2011, the foreign-related legal services in Sichuan were extensive and patchy. Few lawyers knew legal English and foreign-related business well. But now there are a bunch of young and competent lawyers in this area in Sichuan.”


The change is also seen in Gu Chaoping’s team. In 2020, the team was approached by a large Chinese state-owned enterprise for the dispute over its investment in the construction of a hydropower station in Nepal. Without any lawyer in this regard in the early stage, the enterprise encountered numerous problems concerning the signing and performance of the contract. The project progress was stalled due to the inconsistency in construction standards, and completely put off due to the outbreak. The Chinese enterprise knew that it represents China and thought about it over. It then turned to Gu’s team for helping figure out this international dispute of complexity.


It took half a year for the team to close the case. With great perseverance and legal attainment, the team concluded the marathon-like negotiation over the international project. Gu Chaoping told the reporter that they had reviewed thousands of documents and correspondence between the two parties for the past six months, and persuaded the Nepalese through video conferences and letters. The solution proposed by Chinese side was accepted by Nepalese side at last.

国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)



“Young lawyers are good. It is difficult to understand the English with an accent, and the network is poor. My team members, however, could communicate online with them well, which laid a solid foundation for the settlement.” Gu Chaoping was pleased with these young people, and always commended them for professionalism.

困局 涉外律师的自我突破

Dilemma: go beyond oneself

国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)



According to Gu Chaoping, there were two factors. First, geographically, Sichuan lags behind Beijing and Shanghai in the cultivation of such lawyers. Those in Sichuan lack the knowledge in fields like trade frictions, international intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution. Second, cities and prefectures in Sichuan except Chengdu seldom seek legal services in foreign-related matters, and local lawyers have to switch to other areas even if they returned from overseas.


In light of that, Gu Chaoping believed that the professional skills should be honed through cases instead of intensive training. Of course, the problems in the industry are faced not only by Sichuan but by the entire China, a dilemma that coexists with opportunities.


China is opening its doors wider on every side with the deepening of the BRI. The task of safeguarding national economic security and interests and strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of Chinese companies and citizens is becoming increasingly onerous. There are few Chinese lawyers that serve in the expert bodies, review bodies, and dispute settlement bodies of international economic and trade organizations such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), and even fewer of them holding high-level and key positions. Chinese lawyers have a weak say and influence in international economic and trade organizations.


Therefore, Chi Rida, Vice Chairman of All China Lawyers Association, proposed at the 2020 Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference that “We should amplify the talented people mechanism and send more Chinese lawyers into the expert bodies, review bodies, and dispute settlement bodies of international economic and trade organizations.”

聚焦 全国首个天府中央法务区设立

Highlight: the first Central Legal Affairs District in China is established in Chengdu


The best business environment is that under the rule of law. It is evidenced in Chengdu’s Comprehensive Deepening of the Implementation Plan for the Construction of an International Business Environment issued in September 2020: “We should protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and give full play to the judicial function of the court in Sichuan Free Trade Zone and the intellectual property rights tribunal in Chengdu, so as to elevate the business environment construction to a new level, that is, from further optimization to overall deepening.”

国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)



Chengdu in the spring is full of vitality. On the morning of February 5, the Tianfu Central Legal Affairs District project was officially launched. It is reported that the courts at the provincial, municipal, and district levels will settle in the “Litigation Service Station of Tianfu Central Legal Affairs District under the Litigation Service Center of Sichuan Higher People’s Court” after the completion. The station will push back space boundaries and geographical restrictions. The judicial functions of the three-level courts will be integrated into one system. The courts, after the settlement, will focus on disputes in key areas such as commercial affairs, intellectual property rights, finance, free trade, and foreign affairs.


“With the Tianfu Headquarters Business District as the core, we will build a first-class legal service center based in Sichuan that is world-oriented and can serve across western China and exert an influence across the whole country.” Head of the Legal Affairs District Work Department of the Tianfu Headquarters Business District Management Committee stated that the Tianfu Central Legal Affairs District will be a specialized, international-level, market-oriented hub with legal innovations that bring together public legal services, legal theory research and innovation, legal forum exchanges and cooperation, legal culture education and training, intelligence-based legal affairs services, and full-chain services related to legal affairs.


“The Belt and Road International Lawyers Association will settle in the district after its completion, adding more vigor and expertise to the foreign-related legal services in Southwest China.” On January 13, Gu Chaoping and the secretary-general of the association visited the district, and were briefed on the preparation for the establishment of the Chengdu Center of the association at the symposium.


After the visit, Kang Yu, Secretary-General of the Belt and Road International Lawyers Association, and Senior Adviser and Deputy Secretary-General of International Affairs of the All China Lawyers Association, said that “The settlement of the association symbolizes a new step in promoting the exchanges and cooperation among lawyers in countries involved in the BRI. It will definitely play an important and unique role in providing high-quality and efficient legal services for the BRI construction.”






国际接轨 涉外律师的进阶之旅(中英文)


国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1788/F

国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-2886








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