When foreigners cometo China, they might encounter problems with various issues, rangingfrom visas and residence applications. Here's a frequently askedquestion from foreign Chinese.
Q: How can foreignChinese with doctoral degrees apply for permanent residence in China?Are there any limitations on where they can work?
A: They can applyfor permanent residence permits at the exit-entry administrationbureau if they work in China, according to the National ImmigrationAdministration of China.
Their foreignspouses and minor children can also apply.
The policy is inforce nationwide and there are no restrictions on the location oftheir work.
The followingdocuments are needed:
1. An applicationform with ID photo;
2. A copy of a validpassport and residence permit;
3. Proof of identityas an expatriate Chinese, including the certificates of your foreignnationality and cancellation of your Chinese household registration,or other proof issued by local government departments in charge ofoverseas Chinese to prove your identity;
4. Your PhD diploma.If you graduated from an overseas university, you need to provide thecertification issued by the Chinese Service Center for ScholarlyExchange;
5. A copy of youremployer's business license, as well as your employment certificateand work permit;
6. Proof of nocriminal record certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate;
7. A health checkcertificate issued within the last six months by a designateddomestic entry-exit health quarantine institution or by a foreignmedical institution approved by the Chinese embassy or consulate;
8. If the originalversions of the materials are in a foreign language, you need to finda qualified agency to translate them into Chinese and stamp them withthe seal of the translation company.
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