In order to improve the community staff working ability and the degree of specialization, xian changan district organization 2020 community work personnel training, invited my property with the fiscal and taxation legal affairs chief Yin Qian lawyer legal training for community work personnel, for the interpretation of the owners' assembly and the property management committee set up process and related laws and regulations.
At the beginning of the training, Lawyer Yin introduced the general situation of our firm, the development of the firm, the organization structure, the department construction, the characteristics of yunde and the business scope of five centers of one academy and one special Committee.
Then, Lawyer Yin qian explained the relevant legal knowledge of the owners' congress and property management committee to the urban community staff in Chang 'an District, Xi 'an. Specifically, it includes two parts: the first part, the legal basis of the establishment of the owners' congress, the establishment procedure, the executive organization, the owners' congress and the responsibilities of the owners' committee. The second part, the basic overview of the property management committee, the establishment process, the dissolution, the difference between the property management committee and the owners committee.
After the training, the participants asked Lawyer Yin qian questions about various problems encountered in their community work. They had an in-depth exchange of views with lawyer Yin, discussed solutions, and defined the direction for further improving the work process and doing community work well. Lawyer Yin qian gave her patient and careful answers, and the community workers all said they benefited a lot.
Community work is closely related to everyone's life, just like air and gear into our life, but also indispensable, improving the professional degree of community staff is not only the inherent requirements of community work, but also our yunde lawyers actively assume social responsibility. Always on the way, Yunde lawyer!
编辑:马 娜
邮箱: yundelaw@126.com
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