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来源: 法律常识 作者: 法律常识 时间:2022-12-03 00:28:00

Global Law Office was invited by The Legal 500 to contribute to the China chapter for The Legal 500: Cartels Country Comparative Guide. Jiang (John), The Legal 500’s recommended antitrust lawyers, and Shujun Liu are co-authors for the chapter. For each jurisdiction, The Legal 500 only selects top-tier law firm in antitrust area as an exclusive contributor to the guide.

环球律师事务所受 The Legal 500 之邀为其独家撰写《中国地区卡特尔指引》。合伙人万江作为 The Legal 500 特别推荐的反垄断法与竞争法律师,与合伙人刘淑珺共同撰写了此篇指引。针对不同的司法辖区, The Legal 500 只会选择 The Legal 500 排行中排名领先的律所来撰写。

In China’s chapter, Global Law Office provides a landscape for legal and regulatory aspects of Cartels, including legislations, conduct of cartel investigations, leniency, settlement, interagency cooperation, sanctions, private actions, the appeal process and practitioner points specific to China.

