2020年2月6日下午3:00,金融投资法律事务部首席律师宋路凯律师通过YY直播平台,就与疫情有关的热点法律问题在线直播。本次直播的主题是疫情期间金融合同应当如何履行。宋路凯律师主要从“疫情期间如何避免个人与企业的金融信贷危机”,“如何合理合法适用不可抗力”以及“不可抗力与情势变更两者之间有何异同”这三个方面进行了解读。宋路凯律师通过将法律法规规定、国家政策通知、法学理论以及现实案例相结合,对金融借款合同在疫情期间的履行,进行深入分析,就如何以不可抗力或者情势变更为理由,合法申请贷款延期,提出了自己的相关建议。避免利用特殊情形的出现,恶意逃避责任 ,违背公平正义原则。
At 3:00 p.m. on February 6, 2020, Mr. Song Lukai, thechief lawyer of the Financial Investment Legal Affairs Department, have talkedabout the hot legal issues related to the epidemic on YY platform. The theme ofthis broadcast is “How should financial contracts be performed during theepidemic”. Mr. Song mainly analysis the theme from three aspects. By combininglaws, regulations, national policy notices, legal theories and practical cases,Mr. Song made an deeply analysis of the performance of financial loan contractsduring the epidemic, and put forward his own suggestions. Avoid take advantageof the emergence to the principle of fairness and justice.
During the broadcast, Mr. Song actively interactedonline and answered relevant questions raised by the live broadcast audience,including: 1. Can patients infected by the new coronavirus ask the insurancecompany to assume the responsibility after the medical insurance reimbursement,and can the insurance company apply for exemption from liability by forcemajeure? 2. What is the difference between irresistability and situationchange? 3. During the outbreak, how does the application for loan extension orextension affect the guarantor? 4. How to collect evidence submitted to financialinstitutions? 5. After the loan application is extended, how will the interestbe calculated? 6. If the borrower is unable to repay due to the impact of theepidemic, does the general guarantor need to bear the liability and enjoy theright of defense? Fifty-eight thousand practicing lawyers, trainee lawyers andother professionals from all over the world entered the live stream to watchand interact online.
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2020年2月6日下午3:00,金融投资法律事务部首席律师宋路凯律师通过YY直播平台,就与疫情有关的热点法律问题在线直播。本次直播的主题是疫情期间金融合同应当如何... 时间:2022-12-20无棣县找律师,无棣县涉侨法律服务站成立时间
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