The Team is staffed with 3 qualified lawyers, one paralegal and one secretary. Team leader Mr. ShalakoGY Jiang, LL.M.,graduate of Sun Yat-senUniversity has practiced more than 20 years (Mandarin/English/Cantonese). In 2018, Mr. Jiang was admitted in the talent pool of foreign legal service leading lawyers in Guangdong Province by Guangdong Lawyers’ Association. Senior associate Ms Julia Chen has practiced 15 years, had been a judge for 10 years (Mandarin /Cantonese). MsPiao Huazi, a young associate (Mandarin/English/Cantonese).
Winning is only the 1st step in debt recovery, and more importantly, how to get pay the debts after winning. Typical case: We represented an Italian owned company not only won the lawsuit, but also took advantage of the opportunity when the debtor fell into bankruptcy, and finally recovered all its claims through strategic negotiations during the bankruptcy reorganization. A typical case of criminal defense: After the death sentence was sentenced in the first instance, through an appeal, we successfully reduced the death sentence to death reprieve for an Australian drug smuggling case, saving a life. Inheritance case I: We have been cooperating with a Hong Kong based big four accounting firm (who is the estate administrator of the deceased’s estate in this case) to handle an
◆ 诉讼(民事和行政诉讼/追债等)/ 仲裁(含境外仲裁裁决承认与执行);◆ 劳动争议仲裁/诉讼;◆ 刑事辩护;◆ 房地产(建筑/开发/买卖/租赁);◆ 遗嘱/遗产继承;◆ 家事/婚姻;◆ 公司/贸易;◆ 投资;◆ 保险 / 保险索赔调查;◆ 税务;◆知识产权;◆ 其它法律事务。
◆Litigation (civil and administrative proceedings / debt recovery) and Arbitration (including foreign arbitral awards recognition and enforcement); ◆ Labor dispute proceedings; ◆ Criminal defense; ◆ Real estate (construction / development / landlord / tenant disputes, claims for rental and repossession, etc.); ◆Will and inheritance; ◆Family and Matrimonial matters; ◆ Corporate; ◆ Trading; ◆ Investment; ◆ Insurance / Insurance claims investigation; ◆Taxation; ◆Intellectual properties; ◆ Other legal matters.
extremely complicated inheritance case of a Hong Kong deceased resident’s estate of properties and company equity shares worth hundreds of millions CNY in Guangdong Province. Inheritance case II: We acted for a Malaysian client in an administrative court proceedings in Hainan Province successfully resolved her problem for obtaining ownership certificate for an inherited property due to other heirs’ refusal of showing up.
9月,红网《百姓呼声》《消费维权》等栏目共收到72条联动律师回复。其中,网友较为关注的购房纠纷、商品退换、劳动保障等相关问题,得到了律师的积极解答。 时间:2023-01-05找律师应该熟人好,怎么样才能找到律师
为什么律师事务所都愿意开在法院附近?这是因为法院附近有法律需求的人最集中,获取案源的机会越多。但是透过这个现象,其实更深层次的问题是,当人们遇到法律问... 时间:2023-01-05欠钱不还怎么找律师申诉,欠钱不还怎么找律师申诉呢
一、判决书下来了被告不还钱如何办1、权利人可以申请人民法院对其财产进行强制执行。2、法律依据:《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百三十一条 发生法律效力的民... 时间:2023-01-05找律师需要看哪些证件,律师能调取哪些证据呢
来源:找法网 辩护律师自人民检察院对案件审查起诉之日起,可以查阅、摘抄、复制本案的诉讼文书、技术性鉴定材料,可以同在押的犯罪嫌疑人会见和通信。其他辩... 时间:2023-01-05找律师的区别,怎么找个好律师
很多人在遇到官司的时候找律师是有误区的。大家都想要找个好律师,但“好律师”这个标准太模糊,作为法律工作者,我建议大家要找个性价比最高的律师。小案子找年... 时间:2023-01-05